SLV Calendar 2025 (Click Here)


Research and Development (R&D)

The Research and Development cell is proactive in Bhoj Reddy Engineering College for Women to foster innovation and entrepreneurship through its vibrant ecosystem. This ecosystem is characterized by a range of initiatives aimed at creating, transferring knowledge, empowering students and faculty members to excel in their respective fields.

The institution actively encourages its faculty to engage in intellectual endeavors such as patent filings, paper publications in prestigious journals, and contributions to book chapters. It promotes professional development by facilitating faculty participation in national and international conferences.

Guest lectures, seminars and workshops are conducted regularly to enhance students' skills and prepare them to meet industry standards. Through strategic partnerships and Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with prominent organizations, the college ensures that its students receive relevant and up-to-date training that aligns with the needs of the industry.

In addition to academic enrichment, the college places a strong emphasis on professional development by encouraging faculty and students to become members of prestigious professional societies such as ISTE, CSI, IETE, and IEEE. Institutional membership in these organizations provides faculty and students with access to a wealth of resources, networking opportunities, and platforms for collaboration and knowledge exchange.

Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship Cell is established, which is dedicated to fostering entrepreneurship among its students, particularly women entrepreneurs in India. By encouraging women entrepreneurs, the college aims to empower women and promote gender equality in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Students are encouraged and supported to engage in practical projects that involve the design, development, and implementation of hardware systems.

BRECW has created a dynamic ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship that is deeply ingrained in its academic and cultural fabric. Through initiatives such as patents filing, industry-aligned seminars and workshops, institutional memberships in professional societies, and support for women entrepreneurs, the college is shaping the next generation of innovators, leaders, and change makers who will drive positive societal impact and contribute to the advancement of technology and entrepreneurship in India and beyond.


The objective of R & D Cell is to promote research activities among students and faculty as well as to carry a healthy platform for distribution and implementing innovative and creative ideas to enable the exchange of information and interaction among the various research institutes and industries to develop skilled manpower in various engineering fields.


  • Encourage R&D program in newly emerging challenges in science, technology, and engineering.
  • Boost of intelligence, expertise and global recognition to institution.
  • Use of qualitative as well as quantitative Research techniques to enhance knowledge, and capacity of students and faculty in comparatively unexposed areas.
  • To develop a research proposal for funding from DST /AICTE/MHRD.


  • Encouragement of R&D Activities in science and technology with special emphasis on emerging domains.
  • Induce faculty and students to participate in Seminar/Conferences/Workshop and further share his knowledge, experience with faculty and students and submit a write-up to R&D cell.
  • To motivate faculty and students to present/publish Research papers in reputed national & international journals and submit a copy to R&D Cell in the institute.

R & D Committee Members

The Roles and Responsibilities of R&D committee are:

  • To prepare an annual research activity plan for all the departments.
  • To establish liaison with near and far industries and identify the technological challenges being faced by them.
  • Take up appropriate problems of the industry for finding solutions through R&D projects assigned to faculty and students.
  • Explore technological developmental opportunities in common application areas such as transport, traffic regulation, security, healthcare etc. and assign them to faculty and students.
  • To initiate and promote MoU with industries and R&D organizations for consultancy, collaborative research, sponsored projects, industry and Institute interactions etc.
  • To arrange brainstorming sessions through talks by eminent personalities from industry, R& D organizations and institutions of repute for the better understanding of research methodology and practices currently followed.
  • To support faculty for delivering talks at different events and conducting workshops, training programs, seminars, conferences, symposia and faculty development programs.
  • To keep everyone informed about announcements by various funding agencies like DST, DAE, DRDO, ISRO, CSIR, AICTE, UGC and University etc.
  • To motivate students to present papers in National and International conferences and projects in competitions and exhibitions like AVISHKAR at university level.
  • Interdepartmental / collaborative work to be encouraged.
  • To monitor progress of the research and development activity.

Recommendations of Committee for implementation and their Impact are:

  • Publications in Research Journals.
  • Research Proposals for different funding agencies.
  • Participation and Organizing Conferences, Workshops and STTP/FDP.
  • Participation in Collaborative Research work, e.g. VAP /Industrial Training.
  • Encouragement for Higher Education.
  • Signing MOU with Industries and Research Organization.
  • Initiatives taken to inculcate the spirit of research amongst faculty and students are as Follows

Following research policy was framed.

  • Incentives are provided for publications.
  • Facilities such as flexibility in timings, use of laboratories etc are extended to faculty as per requirement.
  • Implementing a policy for distribution of testing and consultancy charges to motivate faculty for providing consultancy.
  • Faculty with an aptitude for research is identified.
  • An initiative is taken by the Library to help researchers in understanding recent updates of their publications in terms of citation index, h-index, etc.
  • In house Project development.